Product announcement

Revolutionizing User Authentication with Passage Hosted Login

Syd Abrams
August 13, 2024

Passage is thrilled to unveil its latest innovation: Hosted Login. This new product is a game-changer for developers aiming to seamlessly integrate passkeys into their applications. The Hosted Login service significantly streamlines user authentication, transforming it into a straightforward process that benefits both developers and users.

The Problem with Traditional Authentication

Integrating authentication mechanisms into mobile applications has traditionally been a complex and laborious process. Developers have faced several challenges:

  1. Hosting Configuration Files:
    • Android: Requires hosting the assetlinks.json file on the website's root directory. This file is crucial for verifying app links and ensuring secure communication between the app and web content.
    • iOS: Necessitates hosting the apple-app-site-association file on the server. This file is essential for Universal Links by providing the necessary configuration for the operating system to recognize and trust the app links.
  2. Building and Maintaining Custom Authentication UIs: Developers often need to create and customize their own authentication UI, which can involve extensive design and development efforts.
  3. Handling UX Variability and Error States: Managing different user experiences and error states can be challenging, requiring additional development and testing to ensure a smooth user experience.

The Solution with Passage Hosted Login

Passage's Hosted Login addresses these challenges by offering a feature we call “Mobile Hosted Login.” This innovative solution simplifies and streamlines the authentication process:

  1. Browser-Based Authentication: Users log in or sign up through a browser tab opened by the app. This approach leverages Passage's secure and consistent authentication interface, removing the need for custom UI development.
  2. Seamless App Link Integration: After successful authentication, users are redirected back to the app via app links, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted user experience.
  3. Managed Hosting and Configuration: Passage handles the creation and hosting of the necessary configuration files (assetlinks.json and apple-app-site-association), eliminating the need for developers to manage these files themselves.
  4. Secure Web View Integration: The use of Passage's web elements within a secure web view ensures that the authentication process is both secure and consistent with mobile native app UX.

Benefits for Developers

The benefits of Passage Hosted Login are extensive:

  • Simplified Integration: Focus on developing app features rather than dealing with authentication complexities.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Passage takes care of hosting and managing configuration files, saving developers time and effort.
  • Enhanced Security: Secure hosting and maintenance of authentication-related files reduce potential vulnerabilities.
  • Improved User Experience: A streamlined login process ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience.


Passage Hosted Login represents a significant advancement in user authentication. By simplifying the integration process and removing the need for developers to manage complex configuration files and custom authentication UIs, Passage sets a new standard for mobile authentication. Embrace the future of authentication with Passage and experience a hassle-free, secure, and user-friendly solution.

Where to Start